Un Engagement Fort Pendant la Période de Tabaski 🇧🇫

Un Engagement Fort Pendant la Période de Tabaski 🇧🇫

L’équipe de Time to Help France s’est récemment engagée dans une mission extraordinaire au Burkina Faso, plus précisément à Ouagadougou et à Bobo-Dioulasso, à l’occasion de la période de Tabaski, la fête du sacrifice. Accompagnés par le président de notre association et quatre bénévoles dévoués, nous avons entrepris une distribution alimentaire qui a touché le cœur de milliers de personnes.


Solidarité en Action

La solidarité transcende les frontières et les cultures, et c’est dans cet esprit que notre équipe s’est unie pour apporter un peu de réconfort aux familles dans le besoin. Pendant cette période significative de Tabaski, où le partage et la générosité sont au cœur des préoccupations, nous avons rassemblé nos efforts pour distribuer pas moins de 3000 packs alimentaires. Ces provisions ont non seulement contribué à alléger le fardeau financier de nombreuses familles, mais ont également symbolisé notre engagement envers la dignité humaine et le soutien mutuel.

Un Impact Tangible

Au-delà de la distribution alimentaire elle-même, cette mission a permis à notre équipe de tisser des liens forts avec les communautés locales. Les sourires chaleureux, les poignées de main reconnaissantes et les moments de partage resteront à jamais gravés dans nos mémoires. Cette expérience sur le terrain renforce notre détermination à continuer à œuvrer pour le bien-être des communautés les plus vulnérables, en France et au-delà.

Un Avenir Ensemble
Alors que nous reprenons notre souffle après cette mission enrichissante, nous tenons à exprimer notre gratitude envers nos bénévoles passionnés et notre président dévoué, ainsi qu’envers tous nos généreux donateurs et partenaires. C’est grâce à votre soutien indéfectible que des actions concrètes comme celle-ci sont rendues possibles. Ensemble, nous regardons vers l’avenir avec optimisme, sachant que chaque petit geste peut faire une grande différence.

Rejoignez le Mouvement.     

L’histoire ne s’arrête pas ici. Si vous partagez notre passion pour le service humanitaire, la solidarité et l’impact positif, rejoignez le mouvement de Time to Help France. Chaque contribution, qu’elle soit financière ou en tant que bénévole, contribue à bâtir un monde meilleur, un geste à la fois.

Un Voyage Humanitaire Inoubliable au Togo

Science clearly states that a human being can survive three weeks without food, but where water is concerned most people can’t go on 3-4 days without it! Dehydration sets in, and even if the person continues to breathe, they will go into shock and become vegetative. In other words, water is the primary necessity. Without it, a living being simply cannot survive. Yet, it is a horrific fact that there are billions of people around the world who do not have access to clean drinking water.

Facts about Lack of Clean Water Sources

In developed nations, i.e., countries that have everything from technology to luxury, getting clean water at home is as ‘natural’ as breathing fresh air. It is something that most people from advanced countries may not particularly pay attention to, but this is not the case for the rest of the world. There are still many nations that do not have access to clean water sources or water that is fit for human consumption. Here are some shocking facts about water access around the world:

Approximately 2.1 billion people all over the world still are unable to access safe water sources within their home
In New York, USA, 8.3 million people were exposed to water contaminants in their drinking water that included viruses and various kinds of bacteria
Since 2015, more than 63 million people in India alone have consumed water from unsafe sources
In sub-Saharan Africa alone more than half of the population drink water that comes from ‘dangerous’ resources, like surface water. Approximately 102 million people are drinking surface water
In many provinces of South Africa, water is sometimes unavailable for two whole days. This happens approximately 60% of the time.
In Nepal, 91% of the population is drinking water from sources that contain E-coli, a fecal bacteria that can lead to many diseases including bacterial (stomach) infections.
5 Reasons Why Everyone Deserves Clean Drinking Water

According to Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director-General of WHO, “Safe water, sanitation and hygiene at home should not be a privilege of only those who are rich or live in urban centers. These are some of the most basic requirements for human health, and all countries have a responsibility to ensure that everyone can access them.”

Sadly, clean water is still inaccessible for many and will remain that way until governments are willing to take a stand. Here are five reasons why everyone needs access to clean drinking water and safely managed sanitation, right at home.

1. Provides Nourishment

Water is life. The sooner those in power understand this, the sooner this law of water being available to everyone can be implemented. Water is the number one source of nutrition. The human body is made of 60% water, and this is a clear enough indication of the importance of water. Humans need to be adequately hydrated for their physiological systems to function. Additionally, water helps maintain organ health and allows the blood to maintain the consistency it requires to flow freely and transport oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the body.

2. The Prevention of Diseases

Did you know that if people are unable to drink safe and clean water, it gives rise to various kinds of diseases? Fatal medical conditions like cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis A all occur because of the consumption and or the presence of contaminated water. Imagine the risks that people are exposed to when the only thing they can drink is water that comes from sewage and contaminated sites like industries. Clean water is essential not only to remain safe from disease but also to maintain good health.

3. Helps in Getting Rid of Toxins

Clean, fresh and safe water also helps in getting the body rid of all kinds of toxins, whether they are created due to bodily reactions, obtained from outside sources or ones that occur because of the consumption of contaminated water.

4. Needed for Agriculture and Food Production

When it comes to the production of food, clean water is an essential ingredient. If the crops and grains are given contaminated water, the bacteria and disease will spread to those who consume the fresh produce. Therefore, water that is used for agriculture must also come from safe and clean resources.

5. Improved Sanitation Facilities

Clean water is not just needed for drinking but for sanitation purposes as well. If clothes are washed, or the body is washed with contaminated water, this too will result in the rise of diseases. Same is the case for cooking, cleaning and other similar tasks that are an integral part of our lives. Clean water is necessary for good health.

Source: http://www.aidforum.org/topics/health-and-wash/5-reasons-why-everyone-needs-clean-drinking-water/

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Make most of your time and become local by helping in your community

Hi, my name is Celeste from Paraguay and I want to share with you how rewarding has been my volunteering experience at Time To Help UK. But first, let me tell you how it all began. At the end of December 2019 I was embarking on the adventure of settling in London and one of the myths I wanted to bring down was that in this city it is difficult to make friends, or at least, it costs a lot.

With this goal in mind, I began to search for things to do in Edmonton and I found an interesting arrow of activities such as cultural and sports services in the area, among which I got information about charities and I’ve got to know about Time to Help UK, an organization dedicated to providing relief and assistance to people in any part of the world who are victims of disaster, poverty, and hunger.

Through its Instagram account I found out about one of their activities – “Breakfast for Homeless People on Monday”, so I took courage to write and it was thanks to the response of Yusuf, the Chief Operating Officer, that we arranged a meeting and I went to Rumi Mosque, where the charity works. Since then, I started collaborating with breakfasts for the homeless and I realised it was not just about cooking, it was about getting to know people who share with you their culture, concerns and interests in life.

Volunteering can also help you learn skills, for instance, due to the work I do with Time To Help UK, I have had to take an online course on Food Safety and this has even helped me improve the preparation of my meals in my own home.

I definitely feel more local thanks to TTH; walking from home to Edmonton Green has become a routine for me and I have even had the opportunity to bump into volunteers on the streets. I have also witnessed how quickly Time To Help UK responded to the coronavirus crisis, providing support to people in self-isolation and receiving messages from its members to check up on me as well.

Despite not professing the Muslim religion, at the centre of the mosque where the charity operates, I have found inspiration through people who dedicate themselves to reading, meditation and giving their best to their community.

I strongly recommend joining Time to Help UK to become part of this wonderful community. And as Kathy Calvin, the former President and Chief Executive Officer of the United Nations Foundation once said: “Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference.”

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